Thursday, May 7, 2020

Audiences and institutions Essay

To what extent is digital distribution vital to the media area you have studied?   
Media Area: Video Games  
David Chikezie

Digital Distribution of games has been a thing since the 1980s it was only with network advancements in bandwidth capabilities in the 2000s that digital distribution of video games really became preeminent, Digital distribution is extremely vital to the gaming industry and contributes to a lot of its success. The games industry relies on a rapid production and innovation cycle, one that actively enforces hardware obsolescence. It seems everyday consoles like the Xbox One, PS4, and the WII U are becoming more and more cloud based and distancing away from the outdated physical hardware we grew up with. Companies like Microsoft are adapting and creating new digital only consoles to boost their audiences by proving a more productive way to sell products.
To begin with, Content distributed online may be streamed or downloaded, and often consists of books, films and television programs, music, software, and video games. Streaming involves downloading and using content as soon as the consumer wants. they rathe allowing a user to store it permanently. In contrast, fully downloading content to a hard drive or other form of storage media may allow offline access in the future. According to the case study  “Digital Games Distribution: The Presence of the Past and the Future of Obsolescence” “The move to digital distribution has already begun to reduce the need of transportation and mobility, but this currently signals only further support of planned, and technological obsolescence, increasing the rate at which the commodities for recording, storing, distributing and exhibiting digital content become wasted” this case study explains some of the pros of digital distribution in contrast to physical distribution such as the Eco friendly side to online distribution, Disc are harmful to the planet and contain substances like polycarbonate plastic and aluminum.
In another case study, author Chad Hadzinsky agrees to the notion that the video game industry relies on digital distribution to sell productively. The case study states Digital distribution of video games is becoming increasingly common, with major publishers and retailers paying more attention to digital sales, including Steam, PlayStation Store,, GAME, GameStop, and others. According to new  statistics, the volume of digital distribution of video games worldwide was $6.2 billion per month in February 2016 and reached $7.7 billion per month in April 2017, its evident that digital distribution is vital, but with looming problems in the world, for example, the coronavirus pandemic causing many stores and businesses to be closed, digital distribution provides many video games retailers to continue making money
Personally, I buy all my games digitally because I can share my games and movie with family and friends, I can play offline and I don’t have to travel to my local GameStop. It is more convenient for a lot of people and that’s why I think it will take over the gaming and video industries as the premiant distribution method. Furthermore, in this case study of digital distribution of the gaming industry authored by Frank Alpert, we are showed the cons of digital distribution, according to the case study “depending on location, the price of a digital game upon release can be substantially greater than its retail version. Even on sales, digital titles can rarely compete with the price of a physical version of the same game. “Alpert also brings up how, you have the option to sell or trade the game to other people if you wanted to. With digital distribution, you only have the option to play the game on your account alone, providing less portability.

In conclusion, Digital distribution has played a huge role in the growth of the gaming industry, I will continue to use digital to buy my movies and games, as more innovation is taking place companies are becoming more and more digital based and growing their business off digital technology. The way you distribute your product is very important to the growth of your product, and major companies are taking precautions to make sure there product are distributed properly.

Hotel Babylon Practice Extract

Hotel Babylon Practice Extract David Chikezie

I thought the theme of this Extract was Ethnicity Representation and how minorities are looked are different in business and work, the extract shows immigrants working at a English hotel the way the minority actors are forced to hide as someone looks for them with an immigration service shows the color representation problems in society today. In the clip we see men walk into a hotel with suits talking to a lady with a suit, all dressed well with high roles in the hotel, we can assume she is the manager or front desk.

In the first scenes we see some close ups on the manager of the hotel, these were added to show the emotion in the lady’s face, we also see close up on the immigration officers face, these close up were used to intimidate the audience and hint that something intense could be coming up, there was also many over the shoulders shots over the shoulder of the manager to show her point of view and give the viewers a frame of who the character is talking to. The Officer quickly and angrily takes his ID out to get access to the premises, the director showcase Ethnicity representation by showing the scenes where they all panickily run into the storage room, their panic and close up of their faces capture their true emotions and show how important it is for them to no get caught, We are shown how important it is for them to hide because the extreme close up to the lock of closet door. When Jackie, a Chinese Native that also works for the English hotel gathers all the immigrants to the storage room, she counts the people present, she then says, “Ibrahim is missing”. This is shown by the quick zoom out of her face, which allows the audience to see her panic

To continue, another example of ethnicity being misrepresented is when the worker faints we then see a quick zoom out of Jackie. Jackie’s face shows her panic because she does not know what to do, we then see a close to a man who immediately steps into action, He tells the crowd that this woman is diabetic and very quickly solves the problem by putting sweet jam on her gums, this shows that the immigrants are very intelligent and have past jobs, we get a zoom to the woman regaining consciousness, the man that saved her followed with dialogue saying “ I was not always a cleaner” this dialogue advances the theme because It shows that the immigrants are falsely mistreated and misrepresented, the way the immigrant officer looks at he thinks that immigrants steal jobs and commit crime, but this scene shows how useful they can be and how they care for others.

Although, the most significant representation of ethnicity happens in the beginning when a man in a suit is asked by the front desk lady to “take the purple advocate slips downstairs” we later learn this has a alternate meaning of hide the immigrants, the officer are here. This tells the viewer this could happen more often then we originally think, . Dramatic, non-diegetic music plays in the background, allowing Tensions to build and make the scene intense. One significant difference we see between the officers and the hotel workers they are looking for is their outfits. We see as the immigration officer only hut down people with less well-dressed outfits. They instantly take it Ibrahim because of his nature and the clothes he was wearing, the assumed as if he didn’t belong. This develops the theme by showing people are quick to judge by what they hear or what they are told instead of trusting their own judgement.

Furthermore, to advance the them we then hear non-diegetic, slow, sad music as we see Jackie remove Ibrahim’s possessions from his locker. We are shown a side on medium close up of her getting emotional from looking at his possession the editing and the clamps make us really see how much see takes keeping these immigrants safe. Later, we see a cafeteria area, where we see different races of people gather together at different tables, we also hear ambient sound of dialogue in different language which shows the diversity in the actors. We can see although a member has gone missing they are continuing normal living this shows me that things like this could happen regularly and they are used to losing people to immigration officers. The clip end in silence with a fade out, to show the missing of Ibrahim on the last table.

To sum it all up, Hotel Babylon shows a lot of different representations of ethnicity, by showing immigration officers fighting to keep their jobs by arresting innocent people, or desperate immigrants running to save their lives. Living a minimum wage job. This theme shows how a group of people could be discredited and mistreated.

Audiences and institutions Essay

To what extent is digital distribution vital to the media area you have studied?     Media Area: Video Games    David Chikezie Dig...