When looking up movies of the genre most were superhero films. I decided to do Avengers endgame because I watched it most recently. The first category to analyze are the camera angles, movements, and shots. The most common shots I remember were establishing shots. This makes sense since there are a lot of areas and worlds you need to get familiar with. Other angles and shots were aerial and long shots. These follow the same trend and purpose. There were a lot of camera movements. The most memorable were the pans.
The second category to analyze is the Mis-en-scene of the film. This was a lot. Costumes were plentiful for obvious reasons, it was a superhero movie, their suits are iconic to the film and the world they're in. The lighting was different in almost every location they were in. This was important for establishing an atmosphere in each place. The actors of the world were long-established and helped the story develop. There were also many actors to boot. Makeup was common and in use to create the characters. Although the film relied more on CGI. Props were also everywhere to be seen since they are also very important to the characters and the world they're in.
Common sound within the film was mostly non-diegetic since they had to be added to the film. Since the world and locations, they were in were mostly fabricated by CGI. the most common editing used was probably cross-cutting. This is because they were switching between worlds and locations so much. Elements of the genre that were included were the rich world they inhabited and the lore and story-telling. The thing is though this was developed across multiple films. Like I said in my previous blog the element I enjoyed was the immersive world. The story you were watching was very enveloping. Elements I disliked was that so much was going on in the story that it was hard to keep track.
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