Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog First Attempt

I have started our editing process. The first step of editing was dumping our film footage. I imported my footage into iMovie. then I selected the scenes that we would be editing in our first editing session. I put a lot of thought into which scenes would fit the best in our final movie. To determine this, we selected scenes with a certain number of specific attributes. These included things like the lighting of the scene, as well as the camera angles and movement. In addition, we considered how our titles and credits would fit into the scene. Finally, we chose takes in which the acting was the best. All in all, our editing process was very detailed and in-depth.

 I have decided that we will work on inserting our titles near the end of the editing process. I chose to do this because it allows us to work on polishing our scenes beforehand. During the editing of our scenes, we did a lot of polishing up. For example, I searched for non-copyright music to include in our final product. Once I added that music I verified it was sourced by a non copyright brand by going to website made to check and verifying . I had to in group the natural sound of the videos and delete the real sound then add the music /sound effects and make it sound smooth

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