Sunday, March 15, 2020

Editing Blog Adding Titles

In this part of editing we had to add title to identify who did what in the film I aided in the selection of certain titles during the process. There are different styles of titles, and I helped choose the ones that we were going to use. I made sure to make the titles in our film visible. Visibility is a very important aspect in terms of titles. This is due to the fact that the audience needs to actually see who worked on the film. If the titles blend into the background or are too faint, for example, the audience cannot see this.
The titles in our film give credit to the group members that played various roles in film production. There are various titles addressing the numerous roles played, Different titles shows how important show jobs were as to others, I was the hacker in the film so the titles i edited in twas able to highlight that ti the viewer.

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